Your Decisions, Your Journey


“The journey you experience is based on the decisions you make along the way.” What you experience, and the direction your path takes, depends on those decisions.

Someone recently asked me about “distractions” that come up when on the path to something you wish for in your life. I explained that those “distractions” are actually “decision points” and, in some instances, may even be a “test” to your commitment. These are opportunities to check-in with yourself and use your intuition to determine which decision to make…then let the journey continue. Sometimes the direction you think you need to go, isn’t where you are meant to go (for your highest good). That is why a “distraction” is put on your path…to get you to pause and make the decision that feels most right at that moment. So, remember to stop and look both ways before proceeding.

Are you paying attention to the “distractions” on your journey?

Are you open to fully experiencing your journey?

Are you looking both ways for opportunities?


Wheels of Imagination


Mesmerized by Majestic Moments