Be Present in Your Emotions
“No matter where you are, be present in your emotions.” While this year had many avoiding being face-to-face with each other, it brought ALL of us face-to-face with our emotions…no matter who or where, and no matter if those emotions were fleeting or still hanging on.
I actually struggled to write about this as I am currently facing and processing many emotions—an elderly mother with dementia; preparing for an out-of-state move by selling, donating, and giving away pretty much all of my possessions, and processing and taking care of everything else that this move involves; saying “so long for now” to my family; and a winter storm warning in the forecast. All that being said, I am not sad or unhappy. Rather, I am embracing all that life is and being grateful. It is important to allow yourself to feel any emotion that comes through. If it is a good feeling or emotion, let it permeate every cell of your being. If it is a negative or sad emotion, it is so important to understand what the emotion truly is and why it surfaced, then let it move through you and out of you so you can release it and focus on gratitude, hope, and possibilities. Emotions are a gift as they help us learn…and having the ability to feel AND learn is a wonderful gift!
Do you allow yourself to feel?
Do you take time to understand and process your feelings and emotions?
Are you releasing emotions that do not serve your well-being?