Know When to Retreat into Yourself


“Knowing when to retreat into yourself is sometimes your most important decision.” This is the time of year when we feel the impacts of the change in weather and the change in time with longer hours of darkness.

These impacts may include lack of energy, more tiredness, change in eating habits, holiday stress, or thinking about changes you want to make in the coming new year. And, some may just want to crawl into a cave and hibernate until Spring! While hibernating from life is not possible, it is possible-and actually the perfect time-to go “inside yourself” and reconnect. Give your body, mind, and soul some time to recharge so that you can be open and ready for new growth. Not only is it OK to spend time alone with your thoughts, feelings, imaginings, and wishes…it is a necessary process for your total well-being. You don’t need permission from others; YOU determine when you need to retreat into yourself…all you need to do is listen to your inner voice of guidance.

Are you hearing the call to retreat into yourself?

Do you seek permission from others to determine what is best for you?

Do you have a special place where you can be alone for your retreat?


Look Out for Each Other


Don’t Sit Among the Ruins