Let Your Light Shine Through


“When you are doing what you are meant to do, your light will shine through.” You can see this in people…the way their face lights up when they are doing something they love or are passionate about.

There is a difference between being good at doing something and actually loving it. This may often be the case in the work environment; you may be really good at “doing the job,” but there is little or maybe even no enjoyment in doing it. There is a difference between just “showing up” and actually “being engaged” and energized. When you observe someone doing what they love, you can “feel” and “see” the positive energy emanating from them—sometimes this is described as a person’s “aura.” Take time to consider what lights you up from the inside so you can shine brightly.

What do you love to do?

Are you allowing your passions to be part of your life?

Is your light bright or barely lit?


Allow Your Love To Overflow


Things May Not Be As They Appear