Be Ready to Pull up Anchor


“The tides of life come and go; be ready to pull up anchor." While it’s good to occasionally drop anchor and stay “in a place” for a while, it’s also good to pull up anchor and “change your location.”

An anchor is great for keeping you grounded in stormy weather. It provides you with stability and security while you are where you are (in any aspect of your life, and maybe even your actual geographic location). But, with a little effort, it can be raised and free you from stagnancy and allow you to move on to a new adventure (whatever that is for you). Whenever and whereever you drop anchor, you are choosing to stop and stay in that spot (emotionally, mentally, or physically) …for now, and for the amount of time you feel is needed. When to pull up anchor is up to you, but it should be at a time that activates your imagination and fills you with hope, inspiration, and excitement.

Are you prepared for the tides?

Are you in a high tide or low tide?

Is it time to change your location?


Just Close Your Eyes and Listen


Weave Your Destiny