Open the Door to Your True Self


“Open the door to your true self.” Is your door wide open or are you living behind a façade?

If you are seeking, what do you feel is missing? If you are not seeking, do you feel there is nothing left to discover? Or, are you afraid to think about either of those scenarios? Do you understand the root of your motivations, your thoughts, your feelings, your behaviors, your actions? Are you happy or are you just content? Are you eager or are you in a rut? Are you spirited or lethargic? The questions are infinite. Discovering your true Self should not be a scary thing…it should be exciting, liberating, and generate a feeling of being at peace and total well-being. So…go ahead, open the door!

Do you know your true self?

What still needs to be revealed?

Are you afraid to open the door?


Balance and Peace


Scooping Up or Digging Out