“Be aware of boundaries…yours and others.” Have you had that feeling…when someone says or does something that makes an invisible warning sign pop up inside yourself? That “something” that just doesn’t feel right, that isn’t in alignment with your energy, thoughts, beliefs, or values, that crosses the line of your sacred space? That “feeling” represents your boundaries.
It is very easy to go on the defensive in an effort to “protect” yourself (victim mode). Instead, act or respond from a place of self-awareness and understanding (strength mode). Is your reaction a reflection of the present, or is it a pattern from the past? What do you do when someone or something encroaches on your boundaries? Do you speak up and communicate? Do you ignore? Do you tolerate? Do you change to accommodate? All of these are options…as long as you are the one doing the choosing, and you are willing to accept the outcome. It is also an opportunity to lead by example—if someone crosses your boundaries and you choose to respond, do so kindly and honestly and ask that your boundaries be respected. Then, if/when you cross someone else’s boundaries and they respond honestly, show the same respect. Boundaries may not always be clear or obvious, but they are always a place of choice.
Do you know & understand your boundaries?
Do you respect and honor your boundaries?
Do you respect the boundaries of others?