Lean Into the Light of the Universe


“Lean into the light of the Universe.” Focus your energy on the lightness of love and possibility…not the darkness of fear and restriction.

Are you leaning into your self-truth, your Highest Self? Or, are you leaning into someone else’s truth? We are (and will continue to be for a long while) in a time where we are being forced (or it feels that way) to choose one thing over another...continuing the destructive ramifications of polarization and trigger reactions. It is more important than ever to do things to support and strengthen your TOTAL WELL-BEING…your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual self. Following are just some things I do when I feel really heavy/dark energy, and I encourage you to bring these into practice as well. (1) Intentionally take time to check-in with yourself to understand if that heaviness/darkness is within yourself (and cleanse it) or if you are connecting to a higher collective energy. (2) Go out in nature to get physically and spiritually connected and grounded. (3) Find ways to help others; be of service. (4) Make self-honoring choices—food, exercise, thoughts, meditation, etc. (5) Feel and express gratitude.

Are you living your life in lightness or darkness?

Are you cleansing away the darkness?

Are you taking care of yourself in all aspects?


Paint Your Life With Boldness

