The Calm Within


“When surrounded by rough waters, go to the calm within.” Go to your internal truth, not external perceptions. Go to the stillness within so you can “receive” navigational directions from Source.

You may now be wondering, “OK, but how do I find stillness?”. I encourage you to explore the many methods and approaches that are out there…far too many to list here. While I use a number of methods regularly (depending on what I am feeling/experiencing in a particular day or situation), here are three that I tap into most often for my inner calm. First, gratitude. Second, meditation. Third, connect with nature. My process in each of these methods also varies. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all method—you need to try different things and work to figure out what connects best with you (the unique being that is YOU). The most important thing is to just take the time (even if just for a few minutes) to separate, be still, and quiet your mind…and listen with all of your senses, including energy and intuition.

Are you experiencing motion sickness?

What is creating the rough waters in your life?

How do you create calm within yourself?


Bring Things Into Focus


You Are Always Somewhere