Surface & Depth of Clarity
“Clarity may be more accessible at the surface, but it is more profound as it deepens.” How much debris do you need to clear?
Most people live on the surface—reacting moment to moment rather than from their deeper, clearer self. Why do you react in the moment? The simplest answer is because it’s easiest and the path of least resistance. The deeper you go into seeking clarity (in yourself and your life), the harder and scarier it can be, and it is also when you will likely start resisting it with all you’ve got. But…that it is where the profoundness of it all happens and you learn the most about your Higher Self. When you are able to get to that depth of clarity, you no longer find yourself constantly reacting but rather connecting and responding from a place of inspired intention. So, take some deep breaths and explore below the surface!
Is your surface clear or muddy?
How deep does your clarity reach?
Are you willing to seek more clarity?