Fences and Borders


“Fences and borders…to keep you closed in or to keep others closed out?” Either way, they are barriers.

Fences come in all shapes, sizes, and types. Some may be softened by borders or hedges and some may be harsh and bare…but they are still barriers. And those barriers are all a form of coping and, in some cases, avoiding. Perhaps you put up fences for (perceived) protection and safety—some being easier to get through or over more easily than others. Some may provide glimpses in or out—not fully blocking what’s on either side. Some may be for the purpose of privacy—you don’t want others to see what is happening on your side of the fence. And, in some instances, you may wish others would put up a fence so you don’t have to see what is happening in their space. So, take some time to sit in your space and think about the purpose of your fences and borders.

What do your fences and borders look like?

Are you afraid of what’s on the other side…internally or externally?

What interactions and experiences are you avoiding?


Surface & Depth of Clarity


Magick of In-Between