Go Your Own Way
“It’s not always best to follow the herd…sometimes you need to turn around and go your own way.” Pay attention to how the direction you are going looks and feels and let that be your GPS.
For this blog and sheep photo, I’d like to share a personal story. I was on a Germany trip with a cousin, which involved us driving through various parts of the country and relying on our vehicle’s GPS system. While we had some technical difficulties with the GPS on occasion, it seemed to know exactly where it was taking us on this particular day. We obediently listened to the voice leading us to our destination. After taking a particular turn, we ended up on a road that didn’t seem quite right…as we were thinking this, we happened to see these sheep on the side of that road. But, since it was GPS, we kept following the directions…even as the road got narrower and curvier and higher up. We knew it couldn’t be right, but there was no place to turn around so we had to keep going. We ultimately got to the top of the hill and arrived at a farm, which definitely wasn’t our destination. So, we obviously had to turn around and head back down to the main road. Since the GPS was clearly incorrect, we had to just start going our own way and recalibrate along the way—hoping it would give us new and correct directions.
The point being…you may get to a destination, but it may not look or feel right or be what you were expecting. If and when that happens, just turn around, recalibrate, and head in a new direction.
Do you know where you want to be—personally, professionally, socially?
Where in your life are you just going with the herd?
Where in your life are you going your own way?