The Imprint Is Always There
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
“Even when something is no longer there, the imprint of it still is.” Never underestimate the impact of your energy.
One of my favorite things to do, wherever I live, is to walk the neighborhoods and “feel” the energy of the houses and buildings…the older the better. Some feel lively and happy, some feel very dark and foreboding, some represent past wealth and social status, some are hiding some heavy secrets, and some spike historic curiosity. It is also interesting how the “vibe” of a place (restaurant, bar, venue) can change just by one person (or group) leaving and another entering. This also often happens when you go back to visit a former place of employment—it just feels different or has a sort of lifeless feeling that you didn’t feel when you worked there. And then there is the goose-bumpy reaction to energy you may feel when you are in historic buildings or cemeteries. So, just as you feel the energy of those who have been here before you, your energy is also leaving an imprint that may be felt by others in the future.
Have you ever entered a space and “felt” a certain energy?
Have you ever noticed how the “mood” of a room changes with the people in it?
What “energy imprint” do you want to leave?