Time To Shed Your Leaves
“When the trees shed leaves in the Fall, think about what you need to shed from yourself or your life.” Do they fall easily, or do they hold on as long as they can?
Maybe you would like to shed feelings that are not serving your Highest Self…such as overwhelm, stress, insecurity, confusion, agitation, anger, sadness, depression, lack of motivation, disorganization, frustration, restlessness, regret, powerlessness, negativity, unhealthiness, fear, and the list goes on.
Maybe you want to change behaviors…such as procrastination, avoidance, co-dependency, criticizing or judging others, unhealthy eating, making choices that are not self-honoring, and the list goes on.
Maybe it’s time to clean out physical/material possessions…such as clothing that no longer fits or you no longer wear, games you no longer play, toys your kids no longer play with, outdated technology, broken items, items that could have a second life with someone else, files full of outdated papers, overflowing drawers and closets, and the list goes on.
What do you want, or need, to shed?
Are you ready to discard what you are shedding?
Do you need to shed everything before discarding, or are you able to discard as you go?