Point A to Point B… Squirrel Style


As I looked out my window one morning recently, I caught a movement out on the frozen snow-covered lake. What was it? A squirrel running across at full speed!

Mixed in with my big smile and laughter, was the thought that he knew exactly what he was doing . . . finding the quickest route to his hidden treasure. There was also amazement that he knew exactly where his stash was even though the lake was open water when he tucked his treats away on the other side of the lake in the Fall. This got me thinking.

As humans, we sometimes make things harder than they need to be by thinking that it’s not possible to get to our treasure of choice. Like the squirrel, we just need to determine how much we want it, look at the options, align our thoughts, then take the easiest and quickest route (as long as it’s not illegal!). What many don’t know is that the Universe wants us to have what we wish for. But also like the squirrel, we have to do some foundational prep work so the Universe knows when we are aligned and ready to receive it.

What treasure do you wish for?

Have you done your prep work? 

Are your thoughts emotionally aligned?


Retreat . . . Noun or Verb?