Tears are Great Cleansers


“Tears are great cleansers…at first things are a little blurry, but then they become clearer.” Tears, like rainy days, cleanse and refresh.

Sometimes you just need to cry. Sometimes you just need to release built-up emotion. Sometimes crying is the only thing that feels right and good. Sometimes you need someone’s shoulder, and sometimes you just need a pillow. Sometimes you need a single tissue and sometimes you need a whole box. Sometimes you need a minute, and sometimes you need a day.

Sometimes you need to cleanse something out of you in order to make room for a new perspective, a new emotion, a new thought, a new idea, or a new game plan. Allow yourself to cry. If someone else is crying, let them (even if it makes you uncomfortable). Crying is not an outcome of weakness; it is an act of self-awareness and strength.

Do you allow yourself to cry and release?

What would you like to cleanse?

What do you want to see more clearly?


Fruitfulness in Front of You


Worn & Weathered