A Message of HOPE and LOVE


My heart was triggered and inspired recently when seeing a tiny month-old baby while at an appointment. I thought about how pure and magnificent that little human is...not yet "conditioned" by the pervasive labeling and duality (right/wrong, good/bad, us/them, etc.) that begins very early on in our lives. I thought about how lucky that little baby is to have no other concept but love—all that baby IS and GIVES is PURE LOVE.

We often forget that we are ALL connected. We are all human beings created from the same Source energy—the only differences between us are the CHOICES we make, that is it. We ALL came into Being as pure love. We ALL have it within the very core of us to have and give LOVE, COMPASSION, and FORGIVENESS...for ourselves and for others. We all WANT it and we all NEED it—no exceptions.

Regardless of what you feel or where you stand on all that is happening in our country today--whether it is related to COVID (and all that is connected to it), to social injustice, to economic challenges, to government reform, and so on, it is clear we are a society being shattered by labeling and duality. As connected human beings, WE are being given an opportunity to (re)awaken the love and hope inside each and every one of us. WE are being given an opportunity to rise above and free ourselves from labeling and duality. WE are being given an opportunity to help each other, lift up each other, and support each other. WE are being given an opportunity to get back to the basics of LOVE, COMPASSION, and FORGIVENESS. WE are being given an opportunity to (re)strengthen each other and the fabric of our country and its amazing spirit and potential for realization of dreams and possibilities--for EVERYONE.

It is impossible to change or cancel out (individually or collectively) events from our PAST (which is everything before the present moment), but we can learn, change limiting thoughts & behaviors, and grow together to positively IMPACT the FUTURE. Let’s EMBRACE these OPPORTUNITIES that WE are ALL being given.


Strength = Interconnectedness


Life . . . Under Construction