Life . . . Under Construction


Not only do roads and bridges need expansion, redesign, repair and maintenance, so does your body, mind, and soul . . . and it’s a project that continues through your whole life.

You will need to consider what sections need the work, how much work may need to be done, how far down you need to dig so you can rebuild on a solid foundation, then line up the equipment and resources that may be needed. As the work progresses, you may experience barriers, closures, bumps, detours, and alternate routes. As with anything that is worth the effort, sometimes it gets worse before it gets better, but there is always progress happening. When one section of work gets underway, you need to consider what section is next—sometimes the work needs to overlap to allow for smooth transition. As each section is completed, you can look back and see the transformation that occurred . . . a transformation you don’t always see and appreciate while the work is in progress.

When it comes to your body, mind, and soul . . . I don’t call it “construction”—I call it “Life Cleansing.”

What section of your life needs some repair, expansion, or redesign?

Where are you experiencing barriers, closures, or bumpy roads?

What does your completed project look like?

Want to share your thoughts or talk to me about Life Cleansing? Just send me an Email.


A Message of HOPE and LOVE


Breathing with the Birds